Helena Petrovna Blavatsky om atomens andlighet

"The atom [is] the most metaphysical object in creation. (H.P. Blavatsky: The secret doctrine, part I, p. 485., 1888)
"Every atom in the Universe has the potentiality of self-consciousness in it, and is, like the Monads of Leibnitz, a Universe in itself, and for itself. It is an atom and an angel. (The secret doctrine, part I, p. 107.)
"The collective aggregation of these atoms forms thus the Anima Mundi of our Solar system, the soul of our little universe, each atom of which is of course a soul, a monad, a little universe endowed with consciousness, hence with memory. (The secret doctrine, part II, p. 672.)
The ancient Initiates, who were followed more or less closely by all profane antiquity, meant by the term "ATOM," a Soul, a Genius or Angel, the first-born of the ever-concealed CAUSE of all causes; and in this sense their teachings become comprehensible. ... It is not they who would have ever conceived, or dreamt that monstrous contrasted progeny, the nightmare of our modern civilized Race; namely -- inanimate material, self-guiding atoms, on the one hand, and an extra-Cosmic God on the other. (The secret doctrine, part I, p. 569.)
Annat jag noterat: Enligt denna artikel i DN om medvetandet, finns det kvantfysiker idag som tror på panpsychismen, att all materia har medvetande, även atomerna.


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