Utdrag från Michael C. Rupperts bok "Confronting collapse"

Jag har nu läst "Confronting collapse. The crisis of Energy and Money in a Post Peak Oil World" (Chelsea Green Publishing 2009) av Michael C. Ruppert. Den är en viktig bok om Peak Oil, men Ruppert har inte fått rätt i sina förutsägelser om kollapsen. Han menar i boken att en storskalig kollaps skulle komma redan 2009/2010, men det har inte hänt. Ändå finns det mycket läsvärt i boken, och vi måste förbereda oss på att en kollaps kommer förr eller senare. Här kommer några utdrag från boken:
"Nuclear plants produce toxic waste that is the most lethal substance known to man, and it stays that way för hundred of thousands of years. The amount of energy required to imprison and monitor the wastes for thousands of years is incalculable. It is supremely selfish to pass these unknowable costs to generations that may not have the energy, Money or technical ability to complete the task."
 "A simple truth is all too apparent. There is no hope for any of us outside of a Community. We must learn to work with our neighbors in developing sustainable Lifestyles based upon reduced consumption and sharing of resources. This is difficult for Americans brought up on rugged individualism and competition and who have been taught to measure success in terms of consumer goods possessed and energy expended. But this is how our ancestors, the first settlers of this country, were able to survive and thrive. It is also how the Native Americans before them survived in a sustainable balance with the land and nature. Are we so deluded as to believe there can be no joy in life witout rampant consumption?
   A wise man once said that success was not having what you wanted but wanting what you had. Perhaps through relocalization, if it is embraced before it becomes an imperative, we will rediscover a quality of life that we have been missing and fill the void that we have been attempting ti fill with consumption?"


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