Klokt sagt av min dubbelgångare Marcus Beijar Mellin

"datoranvändande borde utav miljöskäl tillåtas enbart genier vars mentalenergier överstiger energi förbrukningen..."
(Marcus Beijar Mellin, min dubbelgångare i Stockholm, nästan jämnårig, som liknar på mig och t.o.m. har samma psykiatriska diagnos som mig. Citatet är från en av hans gamla bloggar)

Några allvarliga citat

"Economic growth is the biggest destroyer of the ecology. Those people who think you can have a growing economy and a healthy environment are wrong. If we don't reduce our numbers, nature will do it for us ... Everything is worse and we’re still doing the same things. Because ecosystems are so resilient, they don’t exact immediate punishment on the stupid."
(Neil Dawe, Canadian Wildlife Service biologist)
"closely reflecting the reality of the world today ... we find that collapse is difficult to avoid"
(Safa Motesharrei, University of Maryland researcher)
""Although the study is largely theoretical, a number of other more empirically-focused studies — by KPMG and the UK Government Office of Science for instance — have warned that the convergence of food, water and energy crises could create a 'perfect storm' within about fifteen years. But these 'business as usual' forecasts could be very conservative."
(Nafeez Ahmed in The Guardian)
citaten från denna artikel

Tre citat av Thom Hartmann

Jag har nyss läst en bok som är bland de bästa jag läst: "The last hours of ancient sunlight", av Thom Hartmann. Här är några citat: 
"It´s time for us to recognize other living things as our equals in their claim to life on this planet. They are our older brothers and sisters in the history of the Earth; they are inextricably connected with us and our life source."
"While tribal people would never evangelize (asking other tribes to become just like them), this is a cardinal characteristic of most city/states, and historically has been enforced by the threat (and action) of death, torture, wholesale extermination (as we saw during the Crusades, the Inquisition, and the Conquering of the American West, and now seein the enslavement of indigenous peoples of South America and Asia), or afterlife damnation."
"Those tribes which are Older Culture cooperator-based rather than Younger Culture hierarchical and dominator, are more likely to survive (even in the face of persecution) without the need to resort to force, violence, or threats of eternal damnation against those who disagree, or don´t go along."

Samarbete istället för tävling

"When European missionaries taught Australian Aborigine hunter/gatherers how to play "football" back in the early 1900s, the Aboriginal children played until both sides had equal scores: that was when the game was over, in their mind, and it boggled the British missionaries who taught them the game. The missionaries worked for over a year to convince the children that there should be winners and losers. The children lived in a matrilineal society that valued cooperation; the Englishmen came fron a patriarchal society  which valued domination."
(från den fantastiska boken "The last hours of ancient sunlight" av Thom Hartmann)


"Given that oil is a non-renewable resource, the faster we produce it today, and the morer aggressively we try to keep production high, the steeper the decline will be when it begins."
(Rauli Partanen/Harri Paloheimo/Heikki Waris i boken "The world after cheap oil")


"Oljeholiska nationalekonomier skiljer sig, för att uttrycka det drastiskt, inte särskilt mycket från narkomaner, för vilka framtiden är likgiltig så länge de bara får tag i nästa fix. 
(Claus Leggewise/Harald Weltzer från boken "Slutet på världen så som vi känner den")


"Don’t talk to me about sustainability.  You want to question my lifestyle, my impact, my ecological footprint?  There is a monster standing over us, with a footprint so large it can trample a whole planet underfoot, without noticing or caring.  This monster is Industrial Civilization.  I refuse to sustain the monster.  If the Earth is to live, the monster must die.  This is a declaration of war."
(från detta blogginlägg)

Att fira kollapsen kan vara befriande

"This leads to the rather uncomfortable conclusion that the collapse is not to be lamented or prevented, but rather to be celebrated and engaged.  It will come as no surprise to those on similar journeys that when I surrendered to this understanding, my suffering ceased."
(Paul Chefurka, från detta inlägg)


The year two thousand and fourteen was the hottest year ever recorded on planet Earth. Over the course of the year we were bombarded with statistics highlighting the peril of our time: Fifty percent of animal life has been killed over the last forty years, the Antarctic ice sheet melt has passed the point of no return, and coal use is still on the rise globally.
(från detta inlägg på bloggen "Pray for calamity")


"“We are a plague on the Earth. It’s coming home to roost over the next 50 years or so. It’s not just climate change; it’s sheer space, places to grow food for this enormous horde. Either we limit our population growth or the natural world will do it for us, and the natural world is doing it for us right now."
(Sir David Attenborough, från detta inlägg)


"Claiming that one group of humans has more of a right to survival than others, or that humans have more of a right to survival than the rest of the web of life, is doubly insane."
(från detta blogginlägg på bloggen "Pray for calamity")


"Further, you need to stop looking for a plan. Stop trying to figure out how to make the workable work or the unsustainable sustain. Society is the demon. Civilization is the leviathan. The wise of Middle Earth knew that no good purpose could be achieved with the dark lord’s ring, it had to be destroyed in the fires where it came into being. Society is not redeemable. It cannot be made good."
"We are the earth made animate, and our brothers and sisters, the animals and forests and rivers and stars, are crying out to us to stop. To please just stop."
(från inlägget The twilight of our tale: Part three" från bloggen "Pray for calamity")

Den förhatliga civilisationen

"I hate this civilization, this machine, this juggernaut, this sleepwalking hungry ghost, this pathological ideology, this imaginary cage that we cannot seem to imagine a key for no matter how deeply we come to resent our captivity. But I still wanted a steel roof so that I could collect rainwater. It was July when I screwed the roof down to the purlins, and on that day I asked myself, “What does a person do, when they simultaneously need a thing, and need to destroy it?” Such a double bind cannot possibly have a rational answer, because the rational is captured by society, trademarked and owned by the dominant culture. We can only know in our souls, in the still wild places of our being what must be done, but making the case with the words crafted in the forges of civilization will almost certainly always fail. Words and arguments are Trojan Horses, trap doors to counter arguments, to platitudes, to endless winding hallways of thought not designed to deliver you anywhere, but merely to sap you of your energy in the traveling."
(från ett blogginlägg på bloggen "Pray for calamity")

Den europeiska kulturen en dödskult

"The Europeans culture was a death cult empire and remains so to this day. This cult soon spread like an all consuming cancer over the land and called itself progress. This erroneous notion of progress is what drove the cult and has done so ever since, poisoning the minds of the young as they are born into its sick tentacles of deception and despair."
(Brendon Crook, från detta inlägg)


“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”
(Jiddu Krishnamurti)


"There is now enough CO2 already in the air, so were we to STOP all burning of fossil fuels immediately, STOP driving all cars and trucks and STOP devastating our forests - and did so NOW - temperatures would still continue to rise for at least another two decades!"
(John James, från detta inlägg)


"At the 2014 Age of Limits conference he (Dennis Meadows) also said that in 1972 we had reached about 85% of Earth’s carrying capacity and today we are about 125%, and every month we delay in getting back within limits erodes Earth’s further ability to tolerate us." 
(från bloggen Peak Energy & Resources, Climate Change, and the Preservation of Knowledge)

Vad vår civilisation är värd

"What is a civilisation worth if it cannot protect the natural conditions
that gave birth to it?"

(Clive Hamilton, Professor of Public Ethics, Charles Sturt University)

En stor omvältning väntar

“Not only religious zealots but economists, social theorists, technologists, nuclear critics, population experts, ecologists and political ideologues agree that an unprecedented shift in man’s world — catastrophic or beatific — is inevitable within the next half-century.”
(Richard Heinberg, Memories and Visions of Paradise, 1989)

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