Jag har publicerat en e-bok på Amazon Kindle

Jag har nu publicerat mitt ekofilosofiska verk "Åter till det vilda. En uppgörelse med civilisationen" som e-bok på Amazon Kindle. Ni kan se den och köpa den här. Den kostar 12.50 dollar. Ni kan också få den skickad gratis som Word-fil om ni kontaktar mig. Men om ni vill läsa den och samtidigt stötta mitt ekofilosofiska arbete, får ni gärna köpa den på Amazon.
Såhär presenterar jag boken på Amazons internet-bokhandel:
In this book Lars Larsen (b.1984), a norwegian-swedish ecophilosopher, comes to terms with civilization, and offers an alternative way to go for humanity; back to nature, back to harmony with our animal self, back to being an animal among other animals. This he calls "animalism" ("djurism"). If we don´t do this, we risk the future of humanity, and might go extinct already in hundred years. But with a radical moral awakening, we can avoid this, and build a bridge back to nature, with permaculture and forest gardening. The book has also a strong sense of the suffering of the poor, especially in the third world, and weaves together environmental ethics with human ethics. It also offers a plan for how to go back to nature, in a long essay in the middle of the book. A global plan, an idéa for UN-politicians who really care. It´s not a perfect solution that all must accept, it´s only an attempt to show that it´s practically possible to save the planet and go back to nature, if we begin now.

The book has also its eyes on two main threats to humanity and the planet; Peak Oil and Climate Change. The first might hurt humanity but is good for the rest of the planet. The last is bad for all. The book takes these threats very seriously, and it can only be understood in their context.

The text in the book is built from a series of blogposts on Lars Larsens blog on www.universalist.blogg.se, during 2015 and 2016. It can still be visited and read. The language is Swedish.

Lars writes in the spirit of anarchoprimitivistic philosophers like John Zerzan and Derrick Jensen, and draw conclusions from their thinking which they themselves maybe haven´t done.

Lars was born 1984 in Finland, by norwegian parents. He has studied theology for two years at Åbo Akademi University, Finland, and has in 2010 published an ecotheological book in Swedish, called "Animalistic theology. The return of paradise" (Djurisk teologi. Paradisets återkomst). He became atheist 2014, and his newest book is in a non-religious spirit. His animalism has its roots in ecotheology, but the core of it has survived his becoming an atheist, namely that humans are animals and ought to live accordingly, in harmony with this fact.


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